Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some GORGEOUS women...inside & out!

We are so excited to have done amazing shoots with Sami, Krystle, Melissa & Nancy already in this new year! (Check back for their teaser pictures that we will post soon!) January is scheduled to be one of our busiest months ever!

Each woman is so beautiful & unique in their own way! We love discovering the "thing" we enjoy most about every woman that walks through our door. And hearing about each woman's life, children, love stories, jobs, so interesting! We do have some FUN girl chats!!! Like...

...the great gal who was divorced, but recently reunited with a high-school love & couldn't be happier!
...and another sweet girl who meet her fiance in another country while they were both teaching English.

Some women are police officers (or are married to them), some are nurses, teachers, social workers, mortgage officers, bankers, hairstylists, small business owners...or stay at home moms (the toughest job of them all, right moms? :)

It's been fun to hear what expectations people had about our studio. For gal recently said she thought she was going to walk into a salon type setting with tons of women scurrying all over. Instead - she was meet by just Cyndi & I (and she was pleasantly surprised at how cute the studio is and how comfortable she felt!) We do our best to pamper all of you amazing women!!!

So...what about viewing proofs after a shoot?
We post the proofs to a password protected online portfolio, so you can take your time to choose your favorites! There are albums of each "look", along with a Teaser album - with fully re-touched pictures from each "look", so you have a great idea of what the end result of your photographs will be! We have to warn you...choosing your favorites is the HARDEST part of the entire will love so many!

Upcoming blogs...
How/Why we got started
Re-touching - our tricks & tips (with loads of pictures)
Our new studio & sets (and more pictures)
More about different "looks" (yes...more pictures)
and more!

If you haven't already booked a shoot with us, we can't wait to meet you & help you reveal your inner bombshell!
Hugs & Kisses!

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