Some of you have heard about what happened to our daughter, but for those of you who haven't....
One of my identical twin 4 year old daughters (Kassidy) was attacked by a dog when our family went to pick out a baby kitty before Christmas. She was airlifted to a HCMC's trauma center & ended up having surgery with 3 different surgeons, including a neurosurgeon & an eye surgeon. The surgeons called her a "miracle" because her temperal artery should've been severed, and they couldn't explain why it wasn't!!! (You can read her whole story & see pictures on my Facebook page).
Our lives were turned completely upside down! We didn't leave her side at the hospital, and Cyndi was with us almost the entire time, so as you can imagine, we weren't able to work.
Nothing is more important to me than my family, so I have to express the HUGE gratitude I have in my heart for all of you who have been patient with me through our daughter's hospitalization & recovery! Thank you for all the kind words & especially your prayers!
Here's a part of one of the emails that actually brought a smile to my face it was so cute: "Do not worry about my pictures at all! Take as long as you need with getting those to me. If it's been a year and I haven't got them then maybe I'll send a little e-mail to ask :), but otherwise don't worry." This sweet gal was so understanding & patient, but I just loved the fact that she would maybe send a little email after a year. It's amazing how the littlest things can bring you happiness in a time of crisis.
She is a miracle girl, so I have to thank God for His hand over her life and for the supernatural peace she had during the whole ordeal!